Luis Scott 2:15
Absolutely, thank you so much. It’s it’s an early morning. And so when people see this recording, it probably won’t be as early as we’ve recorded this. So I appreciate you coming on early in the morning and catching me in between, in between meetings, you’re traveling a lot from what I’m hearing. So that’s part of the the life of the CEO, you know, I’m always curious about how people get to levels of the organization like you’ve been able to get to, you know, as a CEO of Glofin, and 20 employees, millions of dollars in revenue. in multiple states, you service all the states around the country. I’d love to hear more about your history and how you actually became the CEO of Glofin as
Eric Powers 2:54
well. So I’ll take you back about 11 years ago, I was kind of figuring out what I wanted to do next. I had been in commercial real estate for a lot of years. And my brother in law had invested in a company and he said, Hey, I want you to come and run this company. And I was like, I looked at it was a patient finance company. So it’s financed elective medical procedures, dental, hair restoration augmentations of every sort. And so that’s what it financed, there was five employees, and they were doing $25,000 a month in revenue. And he asked me to step in and run it. I stepped in and run it. 10 years later, we were doing $100 million a month in revenue. Wow. We grew it to 150 employees or so. So holy cow that was in Bakersfield. And so the way you become a CEO is you start really small, and then you figure out how to scale that. And then you grow it and then you go on to the next thing. So you know, I was that’s a California. So that’s how I wound up. Coming here. I, I sold out to my partner, I was ready to get out of California if you hadn’t heard the places not doing so well. And yeah, we go to North Carolina. So we moved to North Carolina and I got headhunted for this position and took it on. And here we are.
Luis Scott 4:19
Well, I want to make sure that the people in the back heard this $100 million a month in revenue. That’s incredible. Like that’s, that’s a that’s a big company, because I think sometimes people can’t conceptualize what it’s like to run a company like that. And that’s amazing. You said something that that I think is we really should expound on and that’s the fact that, that you take something small and you make it big. That’s that’s what the character of a CEO is. So there’s somebody right now listening to this show. They’re saying, How do I get to the next level in my career, and it’s actually maximizing the value of where you are today? You know, what kind of job Did you have prior to this where you learned that technique of how to maximize value.
Eric Powers 4:57
So I was a commercial real estate broker. So I ran a commercial real estate company, we figured out how to add the most value to our customers, we figured out how to do better than our competition did, how to be unique, how to be different. And we scaled that and grew it. So, you know, the most important thing is to understand how you nail the value down and stand that, hey, this is what we can provide to our users, our customers, the public at large, whoever, you know, you’re catering to nail down those processes nailed down your key differentiators nailed down your value proposition? Once you have it, nailed it, once you’ve nailed it, scale it.
Luis Scott 5:41
Yeah, you know that there’s something that you’re saying there about nailing it down for your user, your customer. It’s so easy right now on social media, I’m on social media. Instagram mainly is where I spend the majority of my time. It’s so easy to see all of these young successes, quote, unquote, successes. And we lose sight of the fact that to make money, you have to be about the consumer. If someone starting out right now, and they want to be a social media influencer, they want to have a gym, they want to have a restaurant, what would be the one piece of advice that you would give them as it relates to the user as to relates to the customer?
Eric Powers 6:20
Decide what you’re big, they call it a BHAG a big, hairy, audacious goal is going to be Yeah, so you want to open a gym, and you want to train a million people and change their lives. I mean, that’s what Joe de Sena did with Spartan. He said, I want to get a million people off the couch. So he started Spartan. And guess what he’s big. He’s gotten millions of people off the couch, and they go out there, and they pay him money to beat the hell out of themselves. And break appendages and hurt themselves and do burpees when they don’t do it, right. And I mean, if you’ve ever seen a spark, it’s a spectacle. And my brother is actually a big champion of Spartan, he’s won a lot of races and, and a few of them and I’m just like, you actually paid somebody to treat it. So figure out what your what’s your big, hairy, audacious goal is, and then figure out what it’s going to take to get you there. And make that quote so big that it changes the world when you get there.
Luis Scott 7:26
That’s awesome. That’s a great advice. By the way, I’m one of those customers that has taken us gone to a Spartan Race to get beat up. So it’s a I’ve done five races. So yeah, he’s definitely convinced me to do that. I mean, that is incredible advice. Yeah, that’s right. That’s right. But, you know, you’re absolutely right. I think that you have to have a goal that that transforms you. And that really transforms the world. And when you do that, it makes you get up every morning to work every day. I mean, I don’t view work as something that I have to do I work, you know, work to me something I get to do, because I feel like I’m changing lives. And I feel like I’m changing myself. Now. Tell us a little bit more about your finance company and Glofin and OMNI. Like what are the things that you guys provide right now to customers?
Eric Powers 8:10
I want to take you back one step. Okay. So that BHAG thing, you know, once you once you figure out what your big, hairy, audacious goal is, everything that you do in your company, every process, every procedure, every delivery point, how you’re delivering your product, how you’re delivering your service, has to be built to be scalable to reach that. So if you’re not building it to scale, then you’re not building it all. I mean, you’re walking the woods, you have to build it to scale it, and that’s what Spartan did. But anyway, back to the question about OMNI in terms of, could you repeat that one more time?
Luis Scott 8:52
What is it? What is it that that Glofin provides and OMNI like, what do you guys do and what is your customer base?
Eric Powers 8:58
So we provide basically the top of the food chain for us is the personal injury attorney. So we’re providing a service to them, that allows them to get the best medical treatment for their, their customers or clients have been injured in an accident. And that is the idea there is that we have a network of medical providers, whether it’s in Atlanta, whether it’s in Denver, Colorado, Phoenix, Arizona, Tampa, Florida, we have a great network of imaging cost, you know, imaging providers, physical therapy, orthopedic surgeries, spine surgeries, pain management, all the whole spectrum of what somebody would go through where they injured in an auto accident. Our medical network provides that and we do that on a lien or an LLP. So we wait for the case to settle and we’re the one thing that tourney’s do say about us is we’re grateful With reductions, yeah, they don’t mind doing business with us because they like our reductions. As the CEO, I don’t really like hearing that very much. But we’ll take it, we’ll take cash advances for their customers as well. So if you look, somebody who’s been injured in an accident, they haven’t worked for five months, unemployment run out, insurance is not paying, they’ve got 12 months left on their case, they have to pay their rent. Of course, of course, he’s on the table. So we’re, look, we’re not the first resort, we don’t want you to come to us and go, alright, I need all this money as a first stop, go exhaust your other resources. But when things just aren’t, aren’t coming through for you, and you just have no other source. And you’re, we’ve literally helped people get off the streets from being homeless.
Luis Scott 10:54
So I mean, it’s a it’s an incredible service. Because if you’re not in this industry, in this particular industry, when I say industry, the personal injury space, you don’t realize that the majority of your clients are not wealthy, well off people, the majority of our clients are people that live paycheck to paycheck, like the majority of really America, they’re living paycheck to paycheck, they don’t have access to additional funds. And even the ones that do I had a client many years ago, that owned a gym, and when when they were injured, they lost everything, they lost their gym, they lost everything, they had to close it down, it was a very boutique gym. And so even people who are better off still suffer financially. And so it’s an incredible service. You know, there are a lot of products out there. But what do you believe separates OMNI and Glofin from the other products that that provide these services?
Eric Powers 11:42
Well, look, we have a great base of technology. So you can kit for case management for case updating, we we’ve got a great base of technology. But technology isn’t the big win. For us. It’s our people. So for me as a leader, it’s about our people, more than it is about some software that we wrote, okay. Yeah, it’s we’ve got wonderful people in market in Atlanta, that work hard every day that are out, you know, working with attorneys working with medical providers, we have them in South Carolina and Greenville, and Charleston, we’ve got them in Tampa, Orlando, and Raleigh Durham, you know, we’ve got people all over there are literally great people working to provide great service for our customers. And then, you know, our headquarters is in Huntersville, North Carolina. And so we’ve got a big staff there that are all working from their couches and kitchens, for the last six months of months, but I’ve been called back to the office. But it’s really about our people. Without them, we’re nothing. I mean, yeah,
Luis Scott 12:54
I definitely agree with that, you know, and you mentioned that they’ve been working from home for the last six months, as a business leader, whether you speak about the COVID times or prior to COVID, what’s the most challenging part of running a company because, you know, a lot of times people are like, I want to have this big company, I want to have all these employees, and they don’t realize there’s there it’s tough to run a company with a lot of employees. So what have you found to be the most challenging part of running a company to your size?
Eric Powers 13:19
it’s actually fairly easy. Okay, you get really good people, and really smart people in key positions. And then you trust them. Right? trust them, that they’re going to make the decision that you would make, if that was in front of you, and you train by making good decisions, but you also train them by letting them fail as well. Right? So my point is, is is I’m I’m about the people. And it’s there’s a quote, you tee it on the internet periodically from Steve Jobs. He said, you know, we hire smart people, we don’t hire smart people and tell them what to do. We hire smart people, and they tell us what to do. I like that, oh, that’s that’s you put people in key roles that have earned their way up to those roles. And you just trust them. And you let them do their job and you let them mature and grow. The number one, probably the best feeling that you can ever have is taking an employee and watching them develop and rise up through the ranks of your organization and grow to whatever their limits are. And I can think of six or seven people throughout my career that started as receptionists who are now at vice president i love that. And those are the stories where you lift others why climbing. That’s that’s what my leadership style entails. That’s what I hope to do in all situations with our employees.
Luis Scott 14:54
That’s I mean, that’s it. That’s a great you know, mention from reception to vice president because that When I started in the legal field, I actually started as a receptionist. And then I climbed my way through and became a lawyer and then became partner of a firm. So I can Yeah, I can definitely I
Eric Powers 15:11
did mentor it.
Luis Scott 15:13
I had several Yeah, I had several mentors during that time period. And that just, I always say that I had accidental mentors, I just happened to align myself with people who were who were, you know, mentoring people, and they just, they took me under their wing, they taught me, you know, things that at the time, I thought were very strange, but it was it was they have helped me tremendously in my life. And, and having a mentor is so so important. I’m actually going to ask you about a mentor in a second, but you mentioned about being about the people. And one of the things that, you know, we talked about off camera was the fact that when you become a CEO, sometimes it’s lonely being there, because it’s, you’re the boss to everyone. So it’s, it’s hard to make friends that may or may not have been your experience, but what has it been like for you to be CEO now this big company?
Eric Powers 16:02
You know, it’s, listen, I lead from my heart. Okay. So I’m pretty transparent with everybody that works for me and works around me. And they all know, I lead with my heart. And, you know, there’s an old saying that people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care. It’s really true. It’s really true. It’s really impactful when your people understand how much you actually care about them. And so it doesn’t get lonely when you’re caring for so many people. Right? You’re transparent. Now, yeah, you have to keep your there’s things you have to keep a guard up for. There’s, you know, the tough times are when you have to let somebody go, because they just prove to you that they’re just not going to make it in the organization, where you built a platform for somebody to be successful, and they fail to step up onto the platform. All I can do is give them the platform for success. Tell them how to get up on the platform. But they still have to take the steps to get up there. Right? Of course, of course, you have to be on your guard about some things. But look, I’ve been married to the same beautiful woman for 34 years, and I get to come home to her. And I have grandkids and two successful kids in my life is not always about work. So yeah, at the office, sometimes you can get you know, you can feel that loneliness, if you will. I’ve never really thought of it that way. Because I knew I was a home and I’ve got people that love me and care about me at home. But by the way, I have people who love me and care about me at work, too.
Luis Scott 17:45
Yeah, yeah, that’s, that’s really important that you know, I talked about, I’ve mentioned this to some of our employees about work life integration, which, which is because we hear a lot about work life balance, but we don’t hear about work life integration, which when you when you have work life integration, that means that your life is your you’re an extension of everything that you are, you know, you’re not just a CEO, you’re also a father, a husband, you’re your grandfather, all these things. And so if you integrate everything in your life, it becomes much more fruitful to you and to your family. And that’s one of the reasons when I go on business trips, I love bringing my wife along because everything’s integrated. She comes with me, she stays at the spa. I’m at the conference, you know, so it’s kind of a it’s kind of a cool, cool situation for us. So talk to me a little bit about Yeah, yeah. Talk to me a little bit about being a CEO. What is a typical day like for a CEO? For you?
Eric Powers 18:37
My days are, I call them FILO, F-I-L-O days. I’m first in last out, huh? I’m first in the office. I usually get there anywhere from 5:30 to 6:30- 7:00. That’s kind of a West Coast thing. Because I came from the west coast. And we all started early out, their eyes are opened at 4:30 in the morning. So because we’re dealing with people on the East Coast, so right I grew up in a farming community and getting up early and starting your day early bird gets the worm so to speak, but it’s also very nice so I can get in and plan my day as quiet time. People start shuffling office, you know, in right now, we aren’t having as many people in the office as we were I just because of the work from home situations. But I’m first in and people start start to show up. And it’s been interesting how I’m starting to see people come in earlier. Yeah, no, they can grab me and get some time with me. But typically, people come in around 8:30 and then I’m usually there until 5:30-6:30 is I’ll stay till 10 o’clock at night if there’s something that needs to be done. But I do try and get home and have dinner with my wife every night. That’s important to me. And that’s my first job is being a husband and a father and That’s my number one chili. So I’ve seen that perspective is really important. When you start to lose that perspective, I don’t think you’re as an effective of a leader.
Luis Scott 20:11
Yeah, I mean, I would agree with that. Now, you know, you talked about, you said something about rituals and something you do every day. I was very superstitious when I was growing up, because I played baseball. And you know, baseball is all about superstition, like, you got to have your cleats the right way. Your gloves, everything’s kind of, you know, got to be the right way. I’m curious Do you have and I’ve used that into my adult life, like, I’m very, not ritualistic. But I do the same thing. Every day, I eat the same thing every day, I try to read at a certain time every day. Do you have rituals like that? Or do you do anything that’s, you know, very routine for you, that keeps you sharp, you know, as a leader.
Eric Powers 20:48
I don’t. I’m not very superstitious, but I won’t let my wife eat a banana on my boat. But, so I’m not highly superstitious. I, I do do a daily devotional for I’m Christian. So I do a daily devotional and have a little time alone with my Heavenly Father. And, you know, I do spend time with my wife before I leave for work few minutes and you know, spend time with her when I get back when I get to the office. I, I work in what’s called an agile methodology. And so okay, we run the company in Agile. So we work in what’s called sprints. And whether it’s sales, whether it’s management, everything is being managed within a sprint. So in the morning, I get up and I review each one of the Sprint’s that are happening that week for sales, you know, what are the what sales on that week? What are their results? Where are they add, you know, and then how do we go back and groom the backlog of the Sprint’s that we had previously. So I reviewed that daily, I review our stats from the day before, I do have a little routine that I go through every morning, that I make out my notes for the meetings that I’m going to have that day, then I go on to have those meetings, and at the end of the day, I do a 15 minute recap with myself. And I do try and break away, you know, from everything, like go for a walk or go for a drive or go to the office at least once a day for 1015 minutes,
Luis Scott 22:21
just to Oh, nice.
Eric Powers 22:23
shut everything off. Yeah, I
Luis Scott 22:25
mean, even even though, you know, you don’t have the superstition, it’s very clear, you have routine, and I think routine is really a superpower. When you get out of routine, it makes it hard for you to be consistent in life. You know, you asked me earlier about mentors, like what mentor did I have? And I want to know from you getting to the top of your organization, like what mentor did you have? What coach? Did you have? What What was it that they said to you one or two things that they said to you that that propelled you as an individual, because I believe that getting to the top, you know, to the top of any organization is about belief to like believing you can do it. And when I had my mentor, I remember that what he did the most was helped me believe that I could be something more. So I’m curious to hear what what your mentor instilled in you. And what did you learn from from that time.
Eric Powers 23:17
So early on in my career, I had a mentor, I’m just going to name his name, he wouldn’t have any problem with that. Blanchard was his name. And David taught me a lot about myself, I taught me that I should always reach just 10 to 15% beyond what I actually know I’m capable of. So if I see the challenge in front of me, try and reach 10 15%. Beyond that, because I can always get them, you can always get extra 10 15%. It’s like when you’re pumping weights, and you know, you can get more reps and man, two more. That’s where the benefit comes from right, getting to more more reps. So David really was good. And I’ve actually never made a career move in my life without calling David and saying, Hey, here’s what I’m thinking of doing. Wow. And so he was also very big on managing to strength, not weakness. And, yeah, so when you look at your team, and you look at the people, all of my people take the Gallup StrengthsFinder. So for their top five strengths in there, I’ve got them all in a big matrix so I can see where we’re strong and where we’re weak and where we need to fill out as we add people. And so you try and manage to people’s strengths. I’m not one of those people that just, you know, well, that person doesn’t have this education, so they’re not going to be able to achieve this. That person has my belief in them, and they have become successful and it is what’s inside them that will propel them, not the school that they went Not the, you know, it’s not the fact that they’re, you know, what color, what sex, what gender, whatever. It’s what’s inside them that will propel them. So it was very good with me about teaching me that manage to people’s strengths, you always manage my strengths. And I read a lot from that.
Luis Scott 25:20
So, you know, the other day, I was having a conversation with a friend of mine, and we were having lunch, and he says, you know, the problem with achieving success in life is not really where you start. It’s the mentors that come across your life. And I started thinking about that, you know, a lot of the things that have happened to me and for me have been because of great mentors. And so I know there’s somebody right now listening, they’re wondering, how do you find a mentor? Because, you know, here we are talking about how a mentor taught you how to do the two extra reps. A mentor is the one that taught you how to, you know, really succeed in business, my mentor helped me believe, but how do you find a mentor? You know, I’m sitting at home, I want to be successful. I didn’t come from an environment where I have access to a lot of people, what would what advice would you give them?
Eric Powers 26:09
So number one, finding the right mentor is probably more important than finding just finding a mentor. Right? So finding the right one, you have to look first for people that you admire, admire, admire what they’ve done in life. How they treat others, you know, and then you just have to access? I can’t, I mean, I’ve probably got five or six as you do mentors in my life, where I just looked at him said, Would you be okay with mentoring me? For a while I’m going through something. Would that be okay with you, if I just creatively called you up and asked you about situations? And every one of Molly said yes. And at least two of them are multi billionaires. Wow, ex them, I can call them and just say, hey, Chuck, I’m going through this thing right now. You know, what do you think? So don’t be afraid to find somebody that you really admire that has had a great path in life that you think is a good human being. And that you respect a lot to say, hey, this might be kind of weird, but would you mind mentoring me? Yeah. Yeah. It’s not gonna be a big commandment, I may just call you up. You shocked at how you what kind of reaction you get. I’ve actually had people do that to me. And I’ve said, Oh, absolutely. Where do we start? Yeah, yeah.
Luis Scott 27:39
I appreciate you saying that. Because, you know, I was gonna ask, you know, are people in your position approachable? Because sometimes, you know, my wife works for a company, and they have a CEO, and she says, when the CEO walks in, everybody’s like, Oh, my gosh, you know, don’t say anything, don’t look, don’t look in their direction. You know, it’s like, and, and the CEO is actually a great human being. But it’s, it’s just people are so in all about the position. But you just said it, if people just ask, you know, you’d probably be willing to help. Yeah. Right. I mean,
Eric Powers 28:11
in my office, you are more likely to find me sitting in somebody’s cube, listening in on a phone call, are helping them, you know, through a situation that you are to find me in my office in a meeting. Yeah. So my, I hope none of my people because I walked through, throw in high fives and people thumbs up, you know, when I whistle right through the office, or be nosy. So, you know, I hope none of my people feel intimidated. I have an open door policy. I wish I could take the door off my office. But everyone saw those confidential conversations. Sure, sure. But I would take the door right off my office, it wouldn’t bother me at all.
Luis Scott 28:54
That’s great. And you know, the thing is that I’ve said this to a couple of other entrepreneurs I’ve been speaking to, I’ve said this to a couple of other business leaders. What I have found is that the most successful people in life in leadership in business are always givers, they’re always givers. I have found that to be the case. And you’re illustrating that right now. Now, you mentioned giving high fives because I had somebody the other day say that the CEO is like the chief encouragement officer, right? Like, what I’m assuming that that’s what you view as your primary responsibility. But for people who don’t understand what a CEO does, if you had to narrow it down to like, a one responsibility, what do you see as as a primary responsibility of a CEO?
Eric Powers 29:35
I love the chief encouragement officer, I mean, that I think that’s what it should stand for. You know, the, the part that people don’t see like we’re owned by a private equity firm. Yeah, so I have a board that I answer to. So I stand in front of that board. representing what all these people behind me are doing. Right, yeah, that is probably the hardest part of the job. The easiest part of the job is walking through the Office whistling, you know, some songs in my head and high fiving. Everybody asking them how their days gone, asking them how their husband or their their wife are doing. Other kids are doing, taking a real interest in the people. And then people will take a real interest in your customers. And it just trickles down. And that’s really, for me. I think it’s kind of funny, because I think at first people thought I was a little corny doing that. Yeah. And now I think that it’s grown on them a lot. And now I think that they really appreciate it. Yeah, especially as we’ve gone through the, the COVID situation, you know, and people appreciate the fact that you’re genuinely do care about what’s happening or
Luis Scott 30:57
at home. That, you know, the best leaders do care. And I think that there’s a misconception, especially if you watch, you know, too many movies that that the CEOs, the people at the top are just these like, you know, egotistical, maniacal, crazy lunatics, you know, that, that live and sleep at the office? And I don’t think that that’s the case at all, I think. I think there are people like you who, who generally just love and care for people and want to make an impact in the world. And so it’s awesome to hear that because I think people need to hear that, not just from me saying it to them, but also from the people who are actually in those positions. And, you know, I want to really end with this question. Because I think that a lot of times people don’t realize it, that failure is associated with really reaching the top of anything, whether it’s a professional athlete, or it’s business or acting career singing, how has failure, you know, impacted your career? And what advice would you give somebody who right now is failing, and feels down in the dumps? They don’t know how they’re going to get another situation? What would you tell that person?
Eric Powers 32:01
Well, first off, you know, it’s part of life. And you have to look at it as an opportunity just to accelerate beyond, right. And so when you fail, you just found you just figured out another way that it doesn’t work. You know, like, Edison, when he invented the light bulb, or whatever, he said, I just found 293 ways it didn’t work. Right. And, you know, you could go through, you can go through a lot of those little sayings of you know, you miss 100% of the shots, you don’t take and, and all that, but I’ve failed, I’ve had miserable failures in my life. And it’s, it’s not the bad shot that you make, it’s the shot that you take right after that, right. Like they say, you may have a bad shot, but what really counts is what happens after that. So you know, you don’t, you don’t, you can’t really see what’s in front of you, if you’re constantly looking at what’s behind you. And, you know, don’t let those demons chase you. You know, just keep an eye on what’s in front of you and keep going forward and head on. And that’s, you know, you got to have a vision, your vision propels you upwards, if you keep your vision looking at, like I’m growing, and you have to have a mission, which propels you forward, and I start to lose your your vision, then you’re going down, when you start to lose your mission, you don’t have any momentum to move forward, keep your vision, keep your momentum. And that’s what will propel propel you right through any failure, or any any other thing that you’re facing. And a lot of people look at failure as a as a negative thing, if you turn into a positive thing that I just figured out another way that I shouldn’t do that, you know, right. When you were a little kid, you touch the hot stove, you failed. You shouldn’t ever have done it in the first place. But guess what, you probably won’t do it again. So go ahead, get through all those failures as quickly as you possibly can. You know, it’s just like sales, you know, what would you do? If you knew your results? If you knew that one out of every 100 calls was gonna result in a sale? You have 10 sales? How many calls Do you need to make? All right, got 1000 calls to get your 10 sales. So get through that, you know, 990 calls as fast as you can to get to the 10 that are actually going to be successful. Figure out what scalable things that the ways to make things work. And just work the problem just like the seals do work the problem.
Luis Scott 34:54
Yeah, that’s great advice. And you know, what it sounds like to me is that what you’re saying is to really trust the process. Enjoy the process. And it reminds me of something that I heard this morning. And it was that the the distance between you and your destiny is really the process. So I appreciate you really talking about how failure is just part of the process. Just go through it. And at the end of the day, you’re going to get to where you need to be. So thank you so much for for being here today. It’s been a real treat. So we’ve been talking to Eric Powers, CEO of Glofin, Eric, where can people find you and your company?
Eric Powers 35:26
Eric Powers on LinkedIn. I don’t know what the LinkedIn link is, but our company is or,
Luis Scott 35:39
awesome. And there you have it, guys, Eric Powers, CEO of Glofin. They’re leading over 120 employees in all states in the country helping people have hope again in their process after they’ve been injured. Anyone can do it just like Eric’s done it. It’s gonna take guts, courage and hard work. But remember, if you’ve loved this episode, be sure to subscribe and never miss a show. You’ve been listening to The Guts and Glory Show.
Outro 36:04
You’ve been listening to The Guts and Glory Show with Luis Scott. If you enjoyed the show, be sure to share. For more information on this episode, please see the show notes at And join us next time as we talk to another leader in business that had the guts to overcome all odds for the glory of success.