How to Create Effective Company Goals

Creating goals is crucial for any business, as they give you direction and a way to measure your success. However, it can be challenging to set efficient and attainable goals. Read 8 Figure Firm’s blog to learn more about developing effective goals.

What are Company Goals?

Company goals are vital to keeping your business on the right track. The goals you set should detail what you want to achieve. So, we recommend that you set goals in different timeframes (i.e., 3 months, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years) to cover both short-term and long-term goals you want to achieve. Your goals should coincide with your vision statement. The company goals you set should push your business forward toward growth and making an impact in your community.

Why do you need Company Goals?

Defining your company goals provides many benefits, including accountability, better communication, and greater efficiency in the workplace. By sharing what you want your business to accomplish with your employees, you open better communication lines and ensure everyone has a clear vision of what your company stands for. 

It also allows you to monitor better the success of your employees and your business as a whole. With clearly defined goals, it becomes easier for your leadership team to set effective KPIs and follow up with their teams. The more clearly defined the goals are, the easier it is to figure out where inefficiencies and opportunities lie and what can be done to optimize them. 

Create SMART Goals

SMART goals are an acronymic frame of reference to use when developing or implementing business goals. It stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. These five parameters work together to ensure that your goal is laid out effectively for both leaders and employees to accomplish it.


Your goal needs to be detailed and transparent about the achievements you are trying to accomplish. These details help your leaders better explain and set objectives, the employees to understand and follow through better, and offer higher chances of you getting the outcome you want. 


How can you follow up on progress? How can you tell if you are on track? The answer is making your goals measurable. When creating them, think about what timelines, resources, or statistics can be used to prove that progress is being made to accomplish your goal. Work with your executive team to find the right KPIs to set and hold your employees accountable. 


A crucial part of setting goals is making sure you can achieve them. It may seem like common sense, but make sure you allocate enough time to accomplish these objectives realistically. Think about the steps necessary and potential delays that could impact the timeline. After working through the desired outcome and the journey to complete it through both short-term and long-term plans, you will have reached a timeline that will help you and your team to consistently achieve your goals, thereby boosting company morale at the same time.


Keep your objectives tied to the goal. While you may have initiatives outside your goal that you would like to accomplish, keeping the projects relevant to the goal at hand encourages efficiency, and your employees know precisely what they are working towards. Additionally, ensure the goals you initially set align with your company’s mission, vision, and core values.


Lastly, your goals have to be time-bound. Utilizing the four previous steps, devise a deadline that motivates your employees. It’s crucial to ensure your employees aren’t overloaded, but keep in mind that the speed of growth is tied to the speed of implementation. If you can consistently set solid goals and deadlines that push your employees towards growth, you will continually be achieving goals, motivating your employees, and fueling the exponential growth of your business.

Speak to the Experts

Trying to create a series of effective goals for your business can be a difficult ordeal. However, by defining your goals in a transparent and comprehensive way, you are better able to provide direction for your executive team and the rest of the organization. 

Ensuring your company goals hit all aspects of SMART goals can be complex. Here at 8 Figure Firm, we can help you through the process with ONE.Coach, our proven program to help you grow your firm. 

If you’re ready to take your law firm to the next level, register for ONE.Coach today. We’ll help you turn your law firm into a law business.